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Ceiling View: Souvenirs from the Realm of Happiness

Photographs by

Peter Gumaskas

Souvenirs from the Realm of Happiness

A multimedia installation in an

8' x 14' pop-up gallery

 Florence, Massachusetts

September 2021

A souvenir has a hidden symbolism unique to the person who acquired it.

If it is a gift, it carries the message that the recipient was remembered in that time and place.

A souvenir may represent a cherished experience with the intent that the memory be reactivated at a future time.

It may be an object from nature, like a pebble stowed in a pocket during a quiet morning walk.

It may be bought from a tourist stall, but when placed at home, it evokes the memories of where it was chosen; the weather, the music that was playing, the aromas from a nearby food vendor. 

Souvenirs from the Realm of Happiness - Right Side Front
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Detail with video screen: Souvenirs from the Realm of Happiness
Detail: Souvenirs from the Realm of Happiness
Peppermint .tiff
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